
FullSteam Tromsø

Opening hours

Wednesday – Saturday: 16:00 – 21:00
Sunday: 12:00 – 19:00

Book a table

Call us or send us an email to book a table
+47 920 44 930

If you are booking a table 3 hours or less before the visit to our restaurant, please call us beforehand so we can make sure there is availability.

Use discount code MagicTromsø when you book to get free coffee or tea

Our story

Full Steam is now established in Tromsø, on the Bangsund Pier (Old Student House Driv) just behind “Kystens hus”. Bangsund wharf was established in 1902 and was then a fishery / factory and the building has now come back in its right element. Here we convey the Troms region to its ancient fishing history and until the early 1900s. Guests will see, hear, touch, and taste the story. We guide our guests through the important story of Skrei fishing in Troms county, from boat to export, the history of the dry fish, and the important role of cod liver oil.

Stories and food

Our storytellers guide our guests through the exhibition of short stories and anecdotes about the “arctic cod” and its influence on the region and the nation from the beginning of the 1200s

In addition, we establish a cozy cafe inspired from the 1950s where there is also the possibility of something good to drink or eat.

In January 2019, a small souvenir department opens with different rarities from the marine environment.

Full steam package with guide costs NOK 490, – incl. All tastings

Directions from Smarthotel to Full Steam - 10 minute walk

Directions from Comfort Xpress to Full Steam - 9 minute walk